Workshop Outline

Course Format

Course Duration: 1 Day

To be provided in class.
  • Help individuals construct a missing critical foundation of effective personal leadership to:
    • Develop key long-term behaviors for leading self and others
    • Create enduring responsible, genuine, trustworthy, conscious and effective leaders of others
    • Avoid repeating an economic, moral, social and ethical collapse
    • Prevent global leadership crisis from recurring
  • Enable professionals and their organizations to achieve better results and realize their fullest potential by:
    • Preparing individuals to successfully fulfill current and future business leadership roles and responsibilities and advance their careers
    • Developing individuals’ confidence to lead others through self-mastery
    • Creating a deep bench strength of leaders for the organization at every level
  • Encourage collective advancement vs. only self-gain through:
    • Promoting understanding, compassion and mindfulness of others as one learns about and leads self
    • Making egoless, comprehensive and appropriate decisions that benefit ALL concerned (ecosystem)
    • Look to self for leadership instead of relying on others to fulfill you vision and organizational goals
  • Explore the 5 vital components that form self and therefore your unique brand that you present to the world each day
    • Learn how these 5 components shape you personally and professionally
    • Discover how to elevate from the sub-conscious to the conscious level
    • Learn how to be purposeful with your thoughts and behaviors

Course Duration: 1 Day Cont’d

  • Know who you are at your inner most core level
  • Understand the ecosystem you are part of and how your actions and decisions affect others in your business and the environment at large
  • Class Activity: Self-reflective and Self-introspective exercises and class/group discussion
  • Discover the reasons and meaning behind harsh experiences and difficult times
  • Realize the benefits of recording, analyzing and extracting the inherent wisdom from challenging experiences
  • Learn how to systematically apply this behavior and progress from the tough fights
  • Understand how difficult experiences contribute to forming your own unique character and brand
  • Class Activity: Self-reflective, group sharing exercises and class discussion
  • Discover the benefits of your 3 most significant assets
  • Learn how these 3 assets affect each other’s performance and why you cannot ignore one at the expense of the other
  • Understand how these 3 assets play a significant role in surmounting daily challenges and difficult phases, assist in the long-term development, maintenance, longevity, effectiveness and achievement as a personal and business leader
  • Class Activity: Self-assessment, development of an action plan and group/class discussion
  • Learn an effective approach to improve your performance and chances of materializing your significant personal and business leadership aspirations
  • Realize the advantages to developing a written course of action toward improvement
  • Class Activity: Self-reflective exercise, development of an action plan and group/class discussion
  • Learn why it is necessary to resist and endure many tests to become your own best self and business leader
  • Discover your leadership strengths and blind spots
  • Learn what F.R.O.S.T. stands for and why it is a necessary ingredient for worthwhile, true and enduring success as a personal and business leader
  • Identify and analyze reasons for relinquishing your goals
    • Learn effective approaches to remain committed to your goals

Course Duration: 1 Day Cont’d

  • Envision success and prepare to overcome barriers
  • Realize that significant and constant challenges can lead to extraordinary growth as a personal and business leader
  • Understand how embracing difficult circumstances can be a blessing in disguise
  • Create a network of support for living your new plan
  • Class Activity: Self-reflective exercises, development of an action plan and group/class discussion
  • Learn how to move forward with the insights and new behaviors awakened during this course
  • Class Activity: Self-assessment and goal-setting charts, development of action plan for 30, 60 and 90-days and self-assessment on progress made for each behavior

Note: Outline structure and content are subject to change.


Alpesh Fadia

Alpesh Fadia

20+ years of Leadership, Culture and Customer Strategy consulting and corporate experience

Coached client staff to CEO (people, strategy, technology)

Held positions with Accenture, Ernst & Young, Deloitte Consulting, Panasonic and as an independent consultant

Published articles on leadership and customer strategy